Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Funny design decision

I write this for sharing but also for reminding me later: if you ever have to develop in FORTRAN there is a gfortran option that SHOULD be your companion
With this option, every real variable will automatically be initialized with a signalling nan, and your program should stop when it will incorrectly use the variable. The SUN FORTRAN compiler did have such option for long, but it takes time to reach this original quality.
And indeed, g77 did not provide such option but only a poor man's
The former helps you finding your bugs while the later is more to help you hiding your bugs. What a funny design decision... 

I had to code array/matrix crunching code for tight loops and wanted to use Lapack/Blas for that. And I wanted the latest version with bug corrections. However, I discovered that release 3.3 of Lapack now contains FORTRAN 90 specific instructions. Of course, there are plenty sources of errors in FORTRAN 77 that have been addressed by FORTRAN 90... The ones that would have been most useful to me today are:
  • verification of subroutine interface signature (number of arguments, types and input/output intent)
  • passing an object (with number of dimensions, bounds and stride) rather than just the address of the raw array storage.
The former was traditionally  verified by 3rd party analyzers (forcheck, ftnchek).
But the later is a real improvement. There was a compiler option that did perform runtime checks
But it was more a joke than something useful because it uses the declared bounds, not the really allocated ones.
Unfortunately, if you want to profit by these features, your code has to adhere to FORTRAN 90 interface definitions. Lapack does not. It was written in FORTRAN 77 for historical reasons and I suspect it remains like this both for economical reasons and efficiency reasons (like passing an address is just faster than passing an array and going thru runtime checks). Since the FORTRAN 90 interface declarations wrappers to Lapack are not even kept up to date, there is not much to gain by using FORTRAN 90...  That just prevents me to use g77, f2c, or ftnchek for no good reason (except a recursive routine), so I thought, what a funny design decision...

Finally, I went thru edit/compile/print (gdb will not debug FORTRAN that easily, especially if you want to inspect multi-dimensional arrays, you first have to debug the debugger). As usual, some error was on my test code, while I was stupidly focusing on the more complex tested code. At the end of the day I had to admit that most of the time lost was in:
  • translating a few f90-ism back to f77 (to please g77);
  • and not testing uninitialized variables (no such option in g77).
All this, just because I decided to use g77... What a funny design decision!
And next time, I SHALL remember that ftnchek SHOULD always be the natural companion of such funny decisions.
Well, we are very far from Smalltalk. Our debugger rarely has to be debugged and our instance and temp variables are initialized to nil, so design quality was again ahead and the subject is closed. But would Smalltalk perform your number crunching? Not mine. Not even, C, C++, or FORTRAN will. That's why the Blas were invented. I eventually have Smallapack, a functioning interface to Blas/Lapack in Visualworks, but it's not up to date either (Lapack 3.0...) and debugging bare bone allocation problems through an additional DLLCC/VM layer would not help. What I would need (and maybe program one day in Smalltalk) is a FORTRAN interpreter with all the necessary bound checks...

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