One problem we encounter with package management in Squeak/Pharo, but also in other Smalltalk dialects is the initialisation of shared variables.
Generally a class initialization message is defined like this:
MyClass class>>initialize
MyShared1 := SomeOtherClass new.
self snipLotOfMoreCode
And by convention, this initialize method is executed at package load.
But what if the initialization of a package require another package which is not yet loaded (for example containing SomeOtherClass or less trivially, containing a message sent during the initialization process).
One work around often encountered is to use a message indirection coupled with a lazy initialization to access the shared variable value, like this:
MyClass class>>someSharedInfo
^SomeSharedInfo ifNil: [self initializeSomeSharedInfo]
But why putting pressure on coder when the system could do it by itself ?
The idea is to create a new class for holding uninitialized variable bindings or value and associate an initialization method to be executed when first access will be attempted.
Associating an initialization method could be performed through use of pragmas, for example:
MyClass class>>initializeSomeSharedVariables
MyShared1 := 5.
MyShared2 := #yourself.
In Smalltalk, a shared variable is a binding (an Association) with the variable name as key (generally a Symbol) and a value (the value of the variable). The Smalltalk Compiler arrange so that binding is unique across all method accessing the variable, thus the value can effectively be shared.
Now, what happens if we access MyShared1 ? In Smalltalk, shared variable are generally not accessed by sending value/value: messages to the binding. Instead, the compiler produces a byte code that directly fetch the second inst.var. for reading and another similar byte code for writing the value.
But this can be controlled in Squeak/Pharo by a compiler hook: just define your own binding class and two methods:
"Return true if this variable binding is read protected, e.g., should not be accessed primitively but rather by sending #value messages"
"Return true if this variable binding is read protected, e.g., should not be accessed primitively but rather by sending #value messages"
"Return true if this variable binding is write protected, e.g., should not be accessed primitively but rather by sending #value: messages"
"Return true if this variable binding is write protected, e.g., should not be accessed primitively but rather by sending #value: messages"
So we now have many options to implement a lazy initialization...
Solution 1) instead of initializing value with nil, create an UnitializedSharedValue class pointing to the binding and an initialization message to be performed
And implement doesNotUnderstand: like this
ProtoObject subclass: #UnitializedSharedValue
instanceVariableNames: 'binding initializer'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Utility'
instanceVariableNames: 'binding initializer'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Utility'
setInitializer: anEvaluator
"Set the evaluator responsible of initializing variable value.
anEvaluator should understand the message value."
"Set the evaluator responsible of initializing variable value.
anEvaluator should understand the message value."
initializer := anEvaluator
setBinding: aVariableBinding
binding := aVariableBinding
binding := aVariableBinding
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
[binding error: 'This variable binding does not have any known initializer'.
initializer value.
binding value == self
[binding error: 'The initializer failed to initialize this binding'.
^binding value perform: aMessage selector withArguments: aMessage arguments
The problem with this kind of trick is that it is hard to catch all message sends (in Squeak/Pharo, class is not a true message send for example). And if you catch them, you then can't debug easily, because the debugger uses message sends too.
Solution 2) create AutoInitializedSharedVariableBinding that is Special Read Binding
and use an indirection to access the value:
LookupKey subclass: #AutoInitializedSharedVariableBinding
instanceVariableNames: 'value undefined initializer'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
instanceVariableNames: 'value undefined initializer'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
value := undefined := Object new.
setInitializer: anEvaluator
initializer := anEvaluator
^value == undefined
ifTrue: [value]
ifFalse: [self initializeValue]
[self error: 'This variable binding does not have any known initializer'.
initializer value.
value == undefined
[self error: 'The initializer failed to initialize this binding'.
This will cost an indirection (the #value send) and one test at each access. Not worse than manual lazy initialization we saw first.
Solution 3) avoid the value == undefined test by using a become: trick. There will still be a value/value: indirection cost though, so it might not be worth the complications...
LookupKey subclass: #UninitializedVariableBinding
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
key: aKey value: anEvaluator
key := aKey.
value := anEvaluator
key := aKey.
value := anEvaluator
setInitializer: anEvaluator
value := anEvaluator
ifNil: [UnitializedVariableException signal]
ifNotNil: [self value: value value]
ifNil: [UnitializedVariableException signal]
ifNotNil: [self value: value value]
value: anObject
self become: (InitializedVariableBinding key: key value: anObject).
self become: (InitializedVariableBinding key: key value: anObject).
LookupKey subclass: #InitializedVariableBinding
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
key: aKey value: anObject
key := aKey.
value := anObject
key := aKey.
value := anObject
setInitializer: anEvaluator
self become: (UninitializedVariableBinding key: key value: anEvaluator).
value: anObject
^value := anObject
^value := anObject
Note the return in last method so that we can chain MyShared1 := MyShared2 := someValue...
Solution 4) like in Cincom VisualWorks, let all SharedVariableBinding carry their own initialization code (which is like a clean block). But this does not solve the initialization order problems and this requires tools support (and also source code management support for storing/retrieving/executing the code associated to the shared variable binding).
The pragma handling common to all solutions:
Just create this class
InstructionClient subclass: #SharedInitializationFinder
instanceVariableNames: 'usedBeforeDefined initializedBindingsByFetchingValue initializedBindingsBySendingValue stack stackPerPC pc'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Utility'`
instanceVariableNames: 'usedBeforeDefined initializedBindingsByFetchingValue initializedBindingsBySendingValue stack stackPerPC pc'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Utility'`
With these class methods:
"SharedInitializationFinder initialize."
self registerForEvents
"SharedInitializationFinder initialize."
self registerForEvents
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: self.
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #initializeEvent:.
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: self.
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #initializeEvent:.
scanMethod: aCompiledMethod
"Answer with a list of variable bindings initialized by aCompiledMethod via sending #value: message."
^self new scanMethod: aCompiledMethod
"Answer with a list of variable bindings initialized by aCompiledMethod via sending #value: message."
^self new scanMethod: aCompiledMethod
initializeEvent: anEvent
"Check if this system event defines or removes an automatic initialization."
| aClass aSelector method |
(anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier classKind and: [anEvent isRemoved])
ifTrue: ["We should track initializations bound to this class..."].
anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier methodKind ifTrue: [
aClass := anEvent itemClass.
aClass isMeta ifFalse: [^self]. "ignore instance methods"
aClass := aClass theNonMetaClass.
aSelector := anEvent itemSelector.
aSelector numArgs > 0 ifTrue: [^self]. "ignore methods with arguments"
(anEvent isRemoved) ifTrue: [
"We should track initializations bound to this class and method..."].
(anEvent isAdded or: [anEvent isModified]) ifTrue: [
method := anEvent item.
method pragmas do: [:pragma |
| shared |
pragma keyword == #initialize ifTrue: [
shared := self scanMethod: method.
shared do: [:binding | binding setInitializer: (MessageSend receiver: aClass selector: aSelector)]]]]].
"Check if this system event defines or removes an automatic initialization."
| aClass aSelector method |
(anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier classKind and: [anEvent isRemoved])
ifTrue: ["We should track initializations bound to this class..."].
anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier methodKind ifTrue: [
aClass := anEvent itemClass.
aClass isMeta ifFalse: [^self]. "ignore instance methods"
aClass := aClass theNonMetaClass.
aSelector := anEvent itemSelector.
aSelector numArgs > 0 ifTrue: [^self]. "ignore methods with arguments"
(anEvent isRemoved) ifTrue: [
"We should track initializations bound to this class and method..."].
(anEvent isAdded or: [anEvent isModified]) ifTrue: [
method := anEvent item.
method pragmas do: [:pragma |
| shared |
pragma keyword == #initialize ifTrue: [
shared := self scanMethod: method.
shared do: [:binding | binding setInitializer: (MessageSend receiver: aClass selector: aSelector)]]]]].
On instance side, let the class process the bytecodes decoding (most are omitted), the most important being:
usedBeforeDefined := Set new.
initializedBindingsByFetchingValue := Set new.
initializedBindingsBySendingValue := Set new.
usedBeforeDefined := Set new.
initializedBindingsByFetchingValue := Set new.
initializedBindingsBySendingValue := Set new.
"Answer with the list of variable bindings being initialized by target CompiledMethod by directly storing into value."
"Answer with the list of variable bindings being initialized by target CompiledMethod by directly sending value: message."
"Answer with the list of variable bindings being initialized by target CompiledMethod by directly storing into value."
"Answer with the list of variable bindings being initialized by target CompiledMethod by directly sending value: message."
pushLiteralVariable: anAssociation
"Push Contents Of anAssociation On Top Of Stack bytecode."
stack addLast: anAssociation
"Push Contents Of anAssociation On Top Of Stack bytecode."
stack addLast: anAssociation
popIntoLiteralVariable: anAssociation
"Remove Top Of Stack And Store Into Literal Variable bytecode."
initializedBindingsByFetchingValue add: anAssociation.
stack removeLast
"Remove Top Of Stack And Store Into Literal Variable bytecode."
initializedBindingsByFetchingValue add: anAssociation.
stack removeLast
send: aSelector super: supered numArgs: numberArguments
| theReceiver |
1 to: numberArguments do: [:i | stack removeLast].
theReceiver := stack removeLast.
theReceiver ifNotNil: [
aSelector == #value ifTrue: [usedBeforeDefined add: theReceiver].
aSelector == #value: ifTrue: ["Protect against trivial infinite loops..."
(usedBeforeDefined includes: theReceiver)
ifFalse: [initializedBindingsBySendingValue add: theReceiver]]].
stack addLast: nil
| theReceiver |
1 to: numberArguments do: [:i | stack removeLast].
theReceiver := stack removeLast.
theReceiver ifNotNil: [
aSelector == #value ifTrue: [usedBeforeDefined add: theReceiver].
aSelector == #value: ifTrue: ["Protect against trivial infinite loops..."
(usedBeforeDefined includes: theReceiver)
ifFalse: [initializedBindingsBySendingValue add: theReceiver]]].
stack addLast: nil
scanMethod: method
| scanner end |
self initializePC.
scanner := InstructionStream on: method.
end := method endPC.
[(pc := scanner pc) <= end] whileTrue:
[stackPerPC at: pc ifPresent: [:restoredStack | stack := restoredStack].
scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: self].
^self initializedBindingsBySendingValue
| scanner end |
self initializePC.
scanner := InstructionStream on: method.
end := method endPC.
[(pc := scanner pc) <= end] whileTrue:
[stackPerPC at: pc ifPresent: [:restoredStack | stack := restoredStack].
scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: self].
^self initializedBindingsBySendingValue
Last, we need to define a hook, such that any binding could become an uninitialized or auto initialized variable binding, for example, solution 3) would be:
LookUpKey>>setInitializer: anEvaluator
"Set the evaluator responsible of initializing variable value.
anEvaluator should understand the message value."
self become: (UninitializedVariableBinding key: key value: anEvaluator).
"Set the evaluator responsible of initializing variable value.
anEvaluator should understand the message value."
self become: (UninitializedVariableBinding key: key value: anEvaluator).
The nice thing with above hook is that each time you change the initialization method, the variables will be reset by the setInitializer: mechanism. No more manual doIt : self initializeThisOrThat.
Of course, there are more things to handle before getting a fully functioning framework:
1) what if you remove an initializer method/class ?
2) what if you define two or more initializer methods ?
Especially, if you define a second initialization method then, oops, remove it, the variables should switch back to the first initialization...
3) detecting unchanged initialization method and avoiding unecessary re-initialization would be smart.
But these are boring little details... (where the devil is hidden as you may know).
Some source code can be found at